doctors recruitment portal in india

With a rise in the number of medical colleges coming up, competition for jobs amid doctors is also on the rise.  There was a time when the fact that you were a doctor was enough to land you a job in the place and hospital of your choice. Those were the times when we followed newspapers for appointment advertisements and applied against them. Sometimes we sought reference of seniors. We would patiently wait through long queues for collecting application forms to get into government jobs that were considered the thing then.  And after applying there would another long wait.

But it’s a story this generation can’t even relate to. Now there are many more medical colleges, many more specialization streams and there is the INTERNET! The fact that competition has also increased can’t be denied. There are so many doctors passing out every year, pursuing specialization from world class institutions, earning good grades from well-known colleges and so on. Competition has certainly increased the stress of landing a good job for doctors no matter how well they have performed academically. But for those who are smart and wise end up doing well for themselves even in the job market.

New Generation Has New Employment Challenges, More Competition But Also Enjoys Better Avenues & New Opportunities:

One Best Way to Land a Good Job

For those who actually believe that there is one best way to land a good job is disillusioned.  There is no one way, one formula, one website, or one portal that will offer you the job you had been dreaming of unless you are lucky!

So if you are a doctor and looking for a career in medical field, the most effective way is to explore all mediums with equal seriousness and dedication. Because you never know where the opportunity may find you!

From Traditional Newspapers to Internet Explore All

Do not miss the age old traditional appointment advertisements in newspapers; keep an eye on national as well as local ones. Go through medical journals. Keep people informed that you’re on a lookout for a job. And finally, of course, go online! No journey is ever going to be complete without surfing the internet. 

Keep an Eye on Health-Care Portals

There are many reliable recruitment Portals which display all kinds of jobs. Shortlist and visit them often for updates. Then there are specialized recruitment portals focusing on healthcare industry! They are super convenient and super-focused vehicles for doctors or those in the medical field where you are likely to find the most outstanding and lucrative job openings for doctors in India and abroad.

Explore Employment Options Vertically & Horizontally

Along with eyes, also keep your mind open while looking for employment opportunity as a doctor. Doctors may also be required to teach, they may be required in the pharma industry. And these are interesting options offering healthy growth prospects as these are challenging fields too. If you are keen to teach, you can join a medical college in the capacity of professor or if you are interested in research there is pharma industry developing and launching new drugs every day. You can get into research too. So just broaden your horizon and look as far and as wide you can.

A Good CV & Covering Letter Makes All The Difference!

If your resume is weak, your chances of finding good employment will be meek. So before setting out, get ready. The first step is to make an impressive CV. Get a professional to do the job for you. The way you can shine through well-made CV will be good for your career and help you find a job with a good firm. Make a covering letter that reflects your true personality. This combination of good CV and a covering letter will work wonders for you. Over-the–top or exaggerated CV is a huge putt off. Steer clear of it.

So give it your best shot. To be a winner in the real world is going to be tough but also interesting and satisfying.  And do not worry too much. Doctors’ jobs are never going to be hard to find as long as there is life on earth and there are people falling sick.

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Curaa is a Recruitment Agency specialising in Executive Search, Selection and Recruitment of Doctors.

201, Mohta Apartments, Behind SBI – Chhaoni Compound, Katol Road, Chhaoni, Nagpur, Maharashtra, PIN Code 440013, India


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