Future in Gastroentrologist

Specialization in gastroenterology will proliferate with highly specialized therapeutic endoscopists subsequently hepatologists, nutritional gastroenterologists, micro bioma specialists and genomic/oncologic gastroenterologist participation in patient care. DNA stool test or blood testing will diagnose upper GI cancers as well as colonic malignancies. Endoscopic procedures will become more therapeutic in nature. Endoscopy therapy for gastroesophageal reflux disease will be common procedure. Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) / endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) & peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) will become more routine practice. Endoscopic surgeries for obesity is area of evolution. As our understanding of gut biome is changing manipulation of our gut bacteria will become routine in treating an assortment of disorders including obesity and perhaps mental disorders like depression. Pre / probiotic prescription will become routine like the treatment of peptic ulcer disease with antibiotics was norm in last 20 years. Electronic medical record is here to stay and will be only source of record keeping in next 10 years. Liver transplantation with great success rate changed our perception towards liver disease. Non alcoholic steatohepatitis will be leading cause of liver cirrhosis. Drug’s like Cinecroviric /Elafibrinor / Saroglitazor are future drugs which reverse fibrosis are under trials. Hepatic regenerations from stems cells may reach from laboratory to clinic. New antiviral therapy for hepatitis C made virus on verge of extinct. First case of esophageal regeneration made opening for future applications of stem cells therapy in Oesophageal diseases. Biosimilars made efficacions and cost reductive treatment for crohn’s disease & ulcerative colitis amenable to most patients. Individualised treatment may be norm with more biological in arena of investigations.

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