If you’re seeking a career in healthcare, a segment fast emerging in India, there are certain basic things candidates need to keep in mind. Doctor Job aspirants have to understand that to land a good job requires coming together of many favorable things at one place and clicking with employers. Right qualification, work experience, your CV and your personal interview all have to go together to land you a job. Even one fails it will spoil your chances.
For healthcare professionals to get the job is about making the right impression on the prospective employer. And this is going to take a conscious effort on your part. If you apply in a good company and your approach is casual you could lose an opportunity of the lifetime that you may not even be able to understand at this stage. And by the time you do, it may be a bit too late.
Considering that healthcare industry in India is set to grow, it’s the best time to find a foothold in this sector. To do this you require a combination of things to favor you. You need the right qualification, preferably experience too, if you project yourself as a quick willing learner to master additional skills that they job may require, it will count in your favor. Other than that you need references if you can procure.
What we have just spoken about are the things that your CV will speak about. Besides these, you also require skills that your CV may not speak of, but they are indeed very important to land you a job in the real world. You need to be confident; you need to have done the work your CV speaks of as fake CVs are easy to identify. Remember recruiters are the masters of this game. If your CV lies it will show and your application will be trashed even before you know it.
Once CV is in order, you got to pay attention and work on your interview skills. Preparing to face interviews is more about getting clarity in your head than about wearing right clothes and sitting in a certain position. They are important aspects too and play a part in getting you the job, but before that, the interviewers want to judge your mind! What is it thinking, where you want to reach, what you aspire to be and what are you willing to do to get there! These are the questions the interviewer wants to know about you to understand and evaluate you. So it is important that you be clear about everything in your head. If you achieve clarity in this, your body language and your confidence will automatically shine through.
Don’t Let Interviews or Interviewers Intimidate You
To be interviewed is a good sign. It means your potential employer considers you a suitable candidate for the job and is ready to have a discussion with you. They are not out to get you or put you in a difficult situation. Their focus is to hire a candidate with specific skill sets for which at times they may put you in a situation that stresses you out. But facing the situation is where the outcome of your interview lies. If you do well, you are the guy for the job. Remember, you are being put on stress test on a mental treadmill when it comes to interviews! So stay positive and do not lose focus!
Pay Attention to Quality of Your CV, include the Important
Your first impression will be created through your CV. So pay attention to how it sounds. For those in the healthcare industry have to remember to include instances of challenges you faced and its outcome; if you handled peculiar situations or crises successfully in your past career it has to find a place in your CV. If you don’t understand how to go about presenting and highlighting yourself, seek the help of those who do. Professionals know what it takes to make a solid CV that reflects your true personality and covers all professional facts in a positive light.
Live Up to your CV
If your personality and your CV are in sync, your chances of clearing the interview improve manifold. There are many instances where aspirants seeking careers in healthcare got their CVs made from high-end professionals, paid a hefty price for it, and even got selected for interview on the basis of the smart sounding CV. However, when they appeared for personal interviews they failed to match the impact that the CV created of them. This is bad for any career. Candidate should be better prepared. Failing at personal interview stage can be a huge setback. To avoid this situation, focus on preparing for the interview. Get comfortable about what is being mentioned in the CV; as a majority of discussion that happens on interview table trigger from your CV.
If you keep these very, very basic facts in mind, that have more to do with your mindset and attitude than writing and communication skills, you are sure to do well for yourself in a career.