Working from home used to be viewed as an opportunity for employees to get away without doing much. As such, it never used to be too popular a routine with the boss! However, with advances in communication technology, a need to cut down on working travel, and a desire for better work-life balance, working from home has become much more accepted. It has also been recognized that employees can be more productive working from home than at the office.
If you are working from home and are struggling to get into an effective working routine, here are five simple tips to boost your productivity.
- Make a Daily To-Do List
This simple tip is the key to getting things done. If you write something down, you’ve effectively made a contract with yourself to get it done, and most of the time, you’ll succeed. With smartphone technology, you can now make intelligent to-do lists, setting reminders to keep you on track towards completing your list.
- Start Work Early
Working from home is not an excuse to set your alarm clock for 8:55 am and then have your breakfast at your desk. Remember, you are saving so much time and effort by not having to commute to work. Therefore, you should use that time wisely by preparing for the day ahead. People are generally more productive early in the day, so make the most of this time.
- Keep Your Social Media Switched Off
You may be at home, but you are still at work, so do not see it as an opportunity to spend half your day on social media. Instead, turn your apps off, or at least try to keep them away from your workstation. An intended five minutes on social media can quickly turn into an hour, or more, so beware of straying into these apps.
- A Little Less Procrastination, a Little More Action
This tip refers back to your to-do list. Avoid putting things off until the next day, as this eats up your time. You will spend precious time thinking about why you should not be doing something rather than taking action and getting it done. Make your list, stick to it, and avoid procrastination.
- Take Regular Short Breaks
Spending too much time in front of your computer screen without a break may seem like you are working hard. However, it is counter-productive. Instead, ensure that you take regular short breaks, as this will give your brain a chance to recover and boost your overall productivity. For example, get up from your desk, go to another room, make a coffee, or take a brief walk around the garden. These will help break any mental blocks you’ve had, and you’ll feel ready to work again when you return.
Working from home is an excellent way to restore some work-life balance, and it can also boost your productivity. Hopefully, these five essential tips for working from home will take your working performance to a new level.