The job market is becoming ever more competitive, so you must take every opportunity you can to get a jump on the competition. One thing that will woo a potential employer during the interview process is the candidate who stands out from the rest.
The chances are that everyone who gets an interview will be qualified to do the job. However, it is the candidate who stands out from the competition in some other way, who is generally successful. Read on to discover a few top tips for standing out during a job interview.
- Research the Company
You may have the best skills and the most experience, but if you have no idea about the company you are interviewing for, chances are you’re wasting your time. Research the company, its market, customers, supplier, and other critical information. Doing so will display a genuine interest in your potential new employer, and they will be flattered that you’ve taken the time to understand their business so well.
- Highlight Your Accomplishments
Many people go into an interview having a prepared set of answers to questions they’ve developed from the job description. The interview panels are likely to have heard these several times before and will be bored of the same responses using the same’ buzzwords.’ What will make you stand out from the competition is highlighting your specific accomplishments – nobody else can replicate these. Include details of previous projects you’ve worked on and how you added value.
- Make Sure They Remember You
Remember, you are unlikely to be the only person being interviewed for the role. Do something appropriate that will make sure the interview panel remembers you. For instance, you could leave a covering letter or a portfolio of your previous work. If the interview is via video or telephone, ensure that you have researched some excellent and thoughtful questions to ask at the end of the interview. Another good verbal way to ensure they’ll remember you is to ask them how you can help their company. This question is seldom asked, but it can be incredibly effective in getting you to the next stage.
- Send A Comprehensive Follow-Up
Having a good interview is excellent, and you can add even more value to your performance with a comprehensive follow-up letter or thank-you note. Following up in this way will have two benefits; it will keep you in the mind of your potential employer, and it is a nice thing to do!
In a crowded and competitive job market, you must stand out during the interview process. These are just a few of the things you can do to get the jump on your competition and ensure your potential employer remembers you.